Custom Printed Bone China Plates, High End and Elegant Perfect for Your Event

Printed Bone China - Our Best
Bone China Plates are some of our more expensive dishware to print on. But once you have your own design on the printed Bone China, you will know that nobody in the world has your design and look. Indeed truly one of a kind!
They are made out of porcelain and 20% Bone Ash.
Very light weight and what makes them very unique to print on, is that they are translucent. Meaning as light shines through the back of the plate, the image coloring/colouring will look a bit different.
Some say its like "glory" shining through the printed plates and bowls.
The bone china comes in various sized plates as you can see in the photo as well as a rimmed bowl (top right of the photo) and a cup and saucer as well.
You can purchase the size or pieces you want.
See our inventory list of Bone China Dishware
Bone China The Entire Line
When talking about Bone China, we are talking about something that the first time I held a Bone China plate I was amazed how light it was but likewise it is very durable.
The Bone China Line has the typical sizes other of lines have. Although not a large as our Standard Royal White Porcelain but it has the 12 inch charge plate and the 10.5 inch dinner plate, of course these are all matching Bone China. There is a 9 inch called lunch plate or sometimes a small dinner plate. There is a 8.5 inch soup plate. Remember a soup plate is a shallow bowl with a rim, this soup plate holds 11 oz. There is also a matching cup and saucer but not like our Standard Royal White Porcelain line, the cup and saucer are sold seperately.
Video showing you more 1 minute on our amazing custom printed bone china plates and dishware
Custom Printed Bone China Video
Watch the video and you get an idea of scale, the sizing and the lightness of the Bone China. How the color/colour goes right through it. Unique and nobody else does this - but us.
Beautiful - yet useable.