Call us 1 855 410 8797 ext,1 or text 416 410 8797 and get more details how your restaurant can turn-it-up-a-notch with your own printed dishware
Get Your Branded Restaurant Dishware Printed To Make Your Place Standout.

We print logos for restaurants and hotels (Corporate too) to make their branded dishware.
We make it easy for restaurant owners and hotel staff to order custom dishware. This sets you apart from other restaurants and hotels.
In fact many of the restaurants and hotels we sell to often sell the same dishware in their shop or by the cash register for folks wanting a souvenir or a gift.
Okay ready for your own branded plates?
4 Easy Steps to your having your own Branded Restaurant Dishware
Step 1 Our plates or yours?
Step 2 Testing and prototype stage
Step 3 What sizes and amounts of plates?
Step 4 When do you need them, we have 3 different speeds to getting your job done.
Note: if you are looking for branding of your logo on wall and floor tile then go to our tile website to see printed glazed and durable (because it is glaze) on tiles
Picture or Branding On Floor Tile.
Photo or Branded Logo On Outside Tile
When printing and customizing plates for a restaurant or hotel, where there is going to be lots of use. The logo can be printed on the face (middle) of the plate or the rim, usually the top rim as seen below.
90% of the sales to restaurants we sell to, print like the example below, their branded restaurant dishware on the top rim of the plate.
This is called printing on the rim of the plate. Really called the Top Rim of the plate. This is where 90% of restaurants and hotels print their plates so that food and the dirty plate after its used is not covered or smeared with gravy or food pieces. The rim always looks clean.
Your brand always stands out!
Now you can add to your plate with a band around your rim or your name or logo in super large print but that adds lots to cost. That doesn't mean restaurants and hotels dont print with larger print or a band along the rim, because they want their look of branded plates they are matching their entire décor. But most of the time, a simple name or logo on the top rim is the most affordable and logical and easily separate's you from your competition.
You pay lots of money for signage and flooring and making it look just right but you have the one space that they look 100% of the time, is their plate! And everyone knows that logo on a restaurant or hotel plate rim makes a more complete and upscale and detailed look.
Branded Restaurant Dishware With Your Logo On The Top Rim of Porcelain Plates. A Very Popular Option Especially For Restaurants & Hotels

The most popular way for us to print restaurant and hotel branding on dishware is to print only the top rim. See photo above, with restaurant logo printed on a 10.5 inch porcelain dinner plate rim as well as a 7.5 inch salad/dessert plate rim. We charge by the square inch, so obviously its the most economical way to put your brand on custom plates.
More Detailed Restaurant Printed Rim Plates. On top rim and around the rim too

So the plates for Bologi Restaurant (above) have their name larger than a simple logo or name as well as not a black band around the plate rim as well.
Obviously the more you print the more expensive but does look better than just the spot logo on the top rim.
And we do not charge extra for color/colour its all the same cost and our custom dishware is dishwasher safe
Your Plates Or Ours?
Most of the time customers have their brand printed on our own plates. We have a large inventory of stock that we have kept in supply for over 10 years. This is important for when you may want more printed plates down the road and we dont have stock? That dish has been discontinued! So we take pride in the fact that we have tried and tested porcelain plates that have been with us for over a decade.
You can see more examples of our two mostly purchased lines of our Royal White Porcelain and our thicker and a little more heavier Hotel Line. More examples of printed branded dishware here.
But what if you had your own plates in stock or you had an eye on other porcelain plates you wanted to print on?

When you send plates to us, before you do we have to make sure we approve because all that glitters is not gold. Meaning not all porcelain is porcelain or good porcelain.
Here are the steps or checklist we go through to get an idea of your provided plates are good for printing.
- Are they porcelain?
- Are they white or at the very least off-white?
- Can you get enough for now to print or more down the road?
- Send us a picture.
- What is the size of the plate? or bowl or platter or mug.
Step 2 the Testing & Prototype Stage
Once we determine your plates pass the checklist, then off to the Prototype Stage we go.
This stage we take your logo and test print on your given plate. We test it to see the range of firing it can take and if its up to our normal speed for printing or does it work but take extra time and care to print? At worst they explode in our kiln in which that gives us a mess to clean up and potentially damaging other customers and restaurants printed dishware in the process. You also just paid for broken pieces. We dont refund or discount your plates if during prototype stage or production stage or when we have them shipped to us if anything is broken.
Thankfully this is a rare thing most often than not we can print on them and they come out stunning and colorful.
We are experts and all we do is print porcelain also ceramic and some glassware.
Testing for prototypes if they work out and like I said they usually do; then we can ship you the finished Branded prototype plate and if approved by you, we can get ready for production. And you would be shipping to us direct or in many cases the dishware wholesaler/manufacturer can send directly to us the dishes to be printed with your branding.
Testing time can fluctuate but on average take 10 to 15 days.
Note you can "Rush Order" or "Super Rush Order" even prototype Dishwasher Safe Printed plates.
The reason we test the range of the plates these have to be glazed which ends up being glass over top of your logo your artwork. Can it withstand a single glaze firing or a double glaze firing. The more glaze obviously the more cost but the more durability.
Step 3 The next step for branded restaurant dishware is which plate type and how many do you need?
This step is fairly straight forward. If you are supply us plates then we would already have gone over what you are sending us and such.
If they are our supplied plates, which is most of the time what we do. Then whatever sizes you need and types of plates, bowls, platters, cups and saucers or mugs we can work with you and figure out what is needed. That is usually over the phone but can also work, although more slowly, over email.
Step 4 When do you need them, we have three different speeds of production.
Once we know what you want and give you a prototype and production quote. These are all produced at our normal standard production time. It fluctuates up and down throughout the year, with fall and Thanksgiving and Christmas into New Year being the busiest but we never have a not busy time. So the normal timing is 4 to 4 1/2 weeks but it can go up to 5 and 6 and 8 weeks depending on the job and if there is a date for an event.
Standard Orders
Like mentioned these are the most common orders and the timing fluctuates throughout the year but is typically 4 to 4.5 weeks.
Rush Orders
You can order if available a rush order, which roughly cuts the time in half. This is a 30% premium.
Super Rush Orders
Also when available these cost 45% and cut the time in half again.
You can have your branded restaurant dishware - fast if you need to!
Call us to get this going a little faster 1 855 410 8797 ext. 1 that is North American Toll Free or direct 416 410 8797
OR email us or text us 416 410 8797 is a business text we have it isn't on a cell phone.
Hit extension 1 (one) for Sales Team.